Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 48 – Sandra Vaughan-King



My name is Sandra Vaughan-King, my family come from all over Wales and i have spent my life returning to Wales every few weeks and will be Retiring to the area to which you are talking about putting wind turbines and pylons up, also, my husband's family have had a caravan in this area since the early 7o, and we are also share holders of the village shop.

At, the moment i live in Romsey a quite market town on the edge of the New forest, National Park and they have Pylons every where you look. Not just spoiling the beautiful views, but also the Constance buzzing noise from them.

I think it will be a great shame, to do this to the beautiful country side of Wales.

Also, i think a better idea would to be to use the biggest resources we have in this Country and that the sea all around us, which would make more sense.

Yours Sincerely,

Sandra Vaughan-King